11/100 Gettin Healthy — The Monkey Won.

Corey Cottrell
3 min readMay 17, 2020

Every day for 100 days I will do a check in on the basic things Im doing to get my weight back to where I want it and get strong enough to get into KiteBoarding!

Weight 235.8 Pounds — We did the cheat meal thing. And it’s ok. Learned alot.

I have a 4.8 pound food baby!! Doubtless some of that will need to be burned off but alot of that will just go away after 48 hours of good eating. I’m glad we gave in. I ate doughnuts and kraft dinner and had some wine and pizza and made myself feel fucking ill. It’s ok. I’m way ahead of schedule and feel really good about how many challenges I’m going to crush and how many new commitments I’m going to honor this week. We got this.

I sincerely doubt the fucking monkey will win next weekend. ;-)

I started a new 100 Day workout challenge. Got that done. Food wise I may end up straight up fasting today. Going to wait as long as I can then have a power shake. See if that tides me over. I want to see how fast i can repair the damage.

Babz and I had a great talk today about how hard it is to get going. I seem to have cracked the code for myself but we’re teamed up to make sure we both get up to some good momentum. Starting is fucking hard. All the stupid emotions and dis-empowering thoughts nag at you all the god damned time. Its a pain in the ass. Mel Robbins 5 second rule has been on my mind.

Tomorrow Morning. 530 Am. Alarm Goes Off. My Feet Hit The Floor Less Than 5 Seconds Later. I AM IN CHARGE.

This is all alot more fun when even the tiniest bit of self-confidence starts seeping back in.

Thanks for spending this time with me.

Oh ya! Almost forgot!!

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Im making it a habit to make it as easy as I can to LET people support my work in whatever ways they can or want to. For more on this check out Day 3/100 Ted Talks where I watched and discussed Amanda Palmer’s Talk “The Art Of Asking”

The BIGGEST favor you can do for me right now is to share this to social media and tag someone specific you think might need to read it. I am deeply grateful in advance!

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I’m a musician and podcaster and experimenter, this work is supported by people like you who donate/subscribe or find other ways to support my work.

You can check out my podcast @ MovingForwardPod.com

& my morning talk show #COFFEE @ Youtube.com/c/coffeelive

The best place to catch live music sets is on my music FB Page: fb.com/coreycottrellmusic, I try to go live every Saturday night @ least.

You can snag my latest jam release on Bandlab for 3$. HERE



Corey Cottrell

Writing. FB Live. Podcasts. Experimenting. 100 Days of Gettin Healthy, 100 Days of Ted Talks to stave off depression.